Operation Nepal

Solar Energy for Families in Need

Brought to you by Adventurers for Change in April 2016

Our aim is to bring together a group of individuals and organizations who share a passion for helping those affected by the devastating earthquake of 2015 and who are just as eager to partake into a once in a lifetime adventure! This select group will travel across Nepal over the course of two weeks, visiting some of the most severely affected villages while helping them rebuild their communities, deliver vital products and services, while simultaneously, showcasing to the world how much help the country of Nepal still needs.

By means of Tuk-Tuk, each sponsored team will be able to send two or three individuals on this journey across Nepal. Each team will have the opportunity to deliver their unique contributions to these remote villages and leave their legacy behind; whether it be to deliver essential products, to teach the locals how to create sustainable businesses, or to send key personnel to assist the locals. Our goal is to identify individuals and organizations who see the value in bringing their awesome products, skills, and services to these types of communities and pair them with other similarly-minded organizations and individuals. We hope to source ten sponsored teams of three, all who possess a unique product, service, or skill. Together, we will bring aid to tens of thousands of Nepalese.

In addition, the entire experience will be captured by professional photographers, videographers and drone specialists that have experience in shooting car rallies and off-road touring expeditions. This team of rockstars will create a beautiful documentary recapping the entire journey and telling the story of how disaster was turned into an amazing display of human spirit.

Additionally, we will be actively engaging with international press outlets along the way and getting the story out as far and as wide as possible.

Note: This project was completed in 2016