Human Rights Lecture at Galgotias UniversityCharity United Founders Address Law Class at Galgotias University on Human Rights

How many human rights can you name?  Five, ten, fifteen?  Or can you name each and every one of them?  Most of us cannot name them all off the top of our heads, but it’s good to try.  The human right we like to focus on is the right to education.

Why the right to education?  We believe this human right does not get enough attention.  Education leads to enlightenment.  Teachers and Education form the foundation and building blocks of civilization.  And the more literate and educated a society is, the fewer human rights violations there are.

Speaking on Human Rights

Charity United Founders were honored to be invited to speak to law students at Galgotias University in Noida, India, and to join forces with its Dean and its law professors, in order to educate the law students on the practical application of human rights.  This invitation was in part due our experience with emergency aid and refugee relief and working with people fleeing conflict zones.  The classroom and the “real world” are two entirely different settings.

One of the key points discussed was the proper understanding of the law and human rights.  Frequently, misunderstanding of laws or human rights are what create violations.  Police, and those in charge of the security of a nation, are usually put into complicated and difficult situations, where the right answer may not seem obvious at first glance.  This is particularly the case in emergency situations.  It is during emergencies that a clear understanding of both the law and of human rights are essential.

With this in mind our colleague Avi Vatsa took the students through each of the human rights as listed by the United  Nations.

Megan Tucker then answered student’s questions on the practical aspects of human rights situations in conflict zones and refugee centers.  Complex situations were discussed that included both the right to seek a safe place to live, as well as the right of a nation to protect its borders.

William Tucker then gave a lecture on how to study, the importance of a clear understanding of definitions, and how human rights and laws get violated unintentionally when they are not clearly understood.

In closing the lecture, he left the students with his final message:

“I firmly believe that if you want to demand your human rights, you must first be willing to grant another his or her human rights as well. This is sometimes harder than it sounds. If you want the right to think freely, and have your own opinion, for example, then you have to be willing to give that right to someone else. That means tolerating opinions others have, that you may disagree with.” – William Tucker

We thank the University of Galgotias, its faculty, and its students for the privilege of addressing them.