In November 2015 we set out

Dear friends and donors,

In November 2015 we set out with an enormous task – to provide winter clothing to tens of thousands of refugees as they passed through Macedonia, during the dark and cold winter nights, in their search for safety and a future home in Western Europe. With your incredible support, we have now raised over $106,000 and helped over 100,000 refugees during the winter of 2015-2016. Because of you, we were able to provide refugees with protection from the cold, and thus to prevent an incredible amount of human suffering, illness, and worse.

Today is the first day of spring. Winter has officially ended.

But as it appears, the refugee crisis has only begun.

Political changes over the past few weeks of March 2016 have taken their toll, leaving tens of thousands of refugees stranded in wilderness areas throughout SE Europe, facing conditions even more inhumane than what they faced this winter. They now need our help more than ever.

Winter Clothes for Refugees began as a grassroots movement. It has now evolved and expanded into a fully-fledged non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status: Charity United.

It is our intention to continue to help refugees for as long as they need our help. It is also our intention to expand into providing larger and more permanent solutions for refugees.

Our current aims are as follows:

1. On an immediate basis, our Macedonia team will continue to use any further donations received to provide aid (food, clothing, shoes, rain protection, and supplies) to refugees who are stranded in camps and wilderness areas on the Macedonian/Serbian border and on the Greek/Macedonian border. With tens of thousands of refugees currently in desperate need, lacking sufficient food, shelter, and even dry bedding or clothing, every donation makes a difference in the life of a civilian. If you are able to donate newly, or know someone who might be interested in donating, this will help us tremendously to continue to provide assistance to these people. Our team is making regular trips to both camps and is providing as much aid as donations allow.

2. In the coming future it is our aim to organize larger long-term projects to help the refugees of war. Our vision is to raise sufficient funds to help provide more permanent solutions. In particular we are focusing on refugee children and orphans who are in need of food, shelter, comfort, care, and an education.

We will continue to update you as our plans develop.

We thank you tremendously for the support you provided during the winter of 2015 and 2016. We thank you in advance if you are able to continue to help with more forward progress and more permanent solutions.

Here’s to a better year for all of mankind.

– Megan Tucker

To learn more, or to help, visit and