Birthday post

Hi everybody.

So, somebody just reminded me that it’s my birthday tomorrow, and guess what I want for my birthday.
Children’s socks, mittens, hats, scarves, jackets, pants, shoes, and blankets. And no, I am not a mother (technically).

As I mentioned before, I have the funds to cover distribution of winter clothes to refugees and children for

January at my current rate. I don’t have the funds for February yet!!!

This is my birthday wish.

All along the route before and after these kids arrive to me, they go through varying degrees of physical stresses that no child should endure. Please help me get them warm and dry, make them smile again, and get them more prepared for the journey ahead.

This photo was taken two days ago here in Macedonia. The little girl was wet, cold, and crying loud when I first met her. She wouldn’t even move. I had to lift her to bring her to the heater. What you see in the photo … well, that’s later.

If you’d like to send a donation for my birthday :) please go to
If you really aren’t in the financial situation to donate (we understand!) I would love it if you would share this message, and share the cause at

This would be the greatest birthday gift ever. I’ll be 41 tomorrow.

P.S. At our current rate of distribution, we need another $15,000 to $30,000 to cover February. Don’t worry, it doesn’t all have to come from one person!

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