Thank you Dana

I had just finished dressing another child when I turned around and saw this little boy starting to cry. Something had startled him.

I did the thing. The chocolate thing. I made eye contact, smiled, said “chocolate?” and handed him the foil-wrapped chocolate egg.

Once he saw the chocolate egg he stopped crying and took it. Then he very, very slowly began to unwrap the foil.

I waited there, gesturing willingness to help him unwrap his chocolate, but giving him time to do it himself if he wanted.

After a valiant and painstaking effort to remove the foil from the chocolate egg, he finally laughed and handed it to me – as if to say, “to hell with it – you do it!” I unwrapped it and gave it back to him. He was very happy with his chocolate. No more crying.

After he had all of his new winter clothes I pointed at Orhan with the camera and said “photo?” When I motioned for him to join me, he smiled big and raised up his arms for me to pick him up. Like I was a grandparent. Or the funny clown at the county fair.

He happily climbed into my lap, and then we took this photo.

Thank you, Dana, for your donation to

This is one of the children you helped here in Macedonia.

– Megan Tucker

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