Power of choice

The power of choice.

We do not just hand out clothes to children, we make every effort to give them some control back over their lives. While this may not seem like much, it makes all the difference in the world.

By giving them a choice between what gloves or socks they prefer we engage them. This simple little “trick” of giving them the power of choice seems to wake them up out of a fog.

These kids came in with empty stares, miserable (its 2:00 am and freezing, they should be in a warm bed somewhere safe). As you can see in the picture we are engaged in an important decision making process, much more important decisions than are made in any boardroom meetings I’ve ever been a part of.

Giving them the power to choose has amazing results. They start to smile, give you hugs and kisses, and wave goodbye with beaming smiles when they leave. We’ve had babies blowing kisses at us as their mothers carried them off.

– William Tucker

To learn more, or to help, visit https://www.facebook.com/winterclothessyrianrefugies/ and https://charityunited.us/donate/