Today i am thinking about the children in Syria. And the other war-torn countries. Sometimes I wish I could just airlift them all out. No, not sometimes. All the time. I’m happy to help the children I meet in the ways that I can. When I see the nightly trains of crying children, clutching their parents’ hands and running along to keep up, dragged through the darkness for reasons they might or might not understand, coughing between their tears, they don’t look like lucky children. But I realize that they are the lucky ones, the ones that managed to escape.

They are in one piece, and they have a chance.

And when we help them stay warm, we increase that chance. That they will survive to have a better life.

And when I can make them smile after everything they have been through, that is what reminds me of the resiliency of the human spirit and the difference we all can make by offering friendship and hope.

– Megan Tucker

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